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Attendance - Report an Absence or Request Blue Pass
Notification of Absence
- Please call the attendance line at 907-348-8626 or e-mail GVAttendance@asdk12.org. OR
- Send in a note excusing the absence, if you have not called the attendance line excusing your student.
Morning Tardiness
- We appreciate students arriving at school on time. The first bell rings at 9:15 a.m., and the tardy bell rings at 9:30 a.m. Students are expected to be in their classroom by 9:30 a.m.
- Parents must provide a signed note, phone call, or accompany your student to the front office, or your child's tardy will be unexcused.
Blue Pass (Official Pass to Leave School during School Hours)
- Please send a note with your student the day of the appointment to exchange for a Blue Pass. Students shall bring the note to the front office. You may also call 907-348-8626 to request a Blue Pass well in advance of the appointment. Please plan to give the office at least 45 minutes' notice.
- Please avoid making appointments during tests and/or final exams.
- Students will sign out and when they see your car at flag pole will head out.
Bus Pass
- Your student is allowed to ride a different bus from his/her own if they provide the front office with a note or phone call from his/her parent/guardian.
- Bus pass requests MUST be made before 12:00 p.m.