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December 11, 2024

  • Wolves, remember to order a 20th Anniversary Yearbook. Go to the ERHS web page under the Families tab. Please note that we DO NOT order extra books, so please order a yearbook in advance.
  • Winter Semi-Formal Dance tickets are now on sale at the cashier window before school, after school, or at lunch. Tickets are $20. Guest passes are no longer available.
  • Tomorrow's spirit day is Candy Land Day, which matches our dance theme - dress as your favorite candy.
  • Attention students, if you are planning on traveling next week, make sure you pick up a Pre-Arranged Absence form from the front office and turn it in BEFORE you leave.
  • Are you interested in spreading some extra holiday cheer and ERHS spirit this week? Stop by the main commons TODAY and Thursday during lunch to purchase candy canes with custom, individual messages written by you for those you appreciate! Each candy cane with its attached message costs $1 and will be delivered to your candy recipient anonymously during their 4th period on Monday of next week. Have some fun, share some sweets, and treat your friends this holiday season! 

  • 2nd semester schedules will be viewable on Q/StudentConnect on Monday, December 16th.  The schedule change request window will run from December 16th at 8 am, to December 19th at 3:15 pm. This will be your only opportunity to request any changes to your scheduled electives, so please pay attention to these important dates!  There will be no elective schedule changes done after the winter break. The QR code to access the schedule change request form will be posted around the school on green flyers, beginning Monday. See your counselor with any questions. 

  • Today’s Lunch: Beef Taco or Popcorn Chicken w/Dinner Roll or Crispy Chicken Bites Salad w/Dinner Roll, Steamed Corn or Fresh Veggies from the Salad Bar, Fresh Banana or Fresh Oranges, Milk.