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The GREAT IditaREAD starts February 20th and Runs through March 21st
Dear Parents,
Klatt Elementary IditaREAD kicks-off on February 20th and runs through March 21st.
What is the IditaREAD: The IditaREAD is an excellent way to encourage students to read. An IditaREAD is held in connection with the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Miles from checkpoint to checkpoint are sometimes used as benchmarks equating to the number of minutes, pages, or books read. Younger students accumulate 'miles' by having an adult read to them.
Results: Teachers have documented that students read more during "IditaREAD' than at any other time of the year!!!
Here are some general guidelines:
1. Everyone is highly encouraged to participate.
2. Help your student choose a reading material appropriate for their reading level.
3. All students will record their reading on their Klatt Elementary IditAREAD Tracker
(Purple copy). This tracker will be coming to and from school.
4. Once students reach Nome, they will get a certificate for making it to Nome, free
Papa Murphy pizza coupon, and a dog sticker.
Please get in touch with your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Thank you, and good luck on our GREAT IditaREAD!