- Orion Elementary
- Parents
Daily Schedule
Student Arrival
Walkers and Car Riders:
Orion families will drop students off at the entrance on Bullard Avenue at 7:45 am when staff is on campus..
*Students should not be on campus before 7:45 am*
Vehicles pull up and drop off along the sidewalk at or near the crosswalk.
Families may park along the street or in playground parking across the street. Please do not park in the crosswalk.
Please ensure your child is safely connected with others before leaving.
Walkers will enter the school grounds through the Bullard Ave. gate.
The playground will be unavailable for use during arrival times.
Students should proceed to their designated entry doors to line up with their class.
Bus Arrival:
Orion bus students will walk around from the front of the school to the playground side of the building. The playground will be unavailable for use during arrival times.
Students should proceed to their designated entry doors to line up with their class.
School Age Program:
Ketchikan/Illa School Age Program students will be escorted by program staff at 7:45 am at the ice rink sidewalk curve on the Arctic Warrior side of the school to the playground where students will join their class at the designated entrance.
Student Dismissal
*Students should be picked up promptly as we are unable to accommodate students staying late. The school day ends at 3:30 pm*
Car Pick-Up/Walkers:
Kindergarten car riders will be dismissed at 2:20 pm.
Car riders will leave the school grounds via the Bullard Ave. gate.
If changes to the afternoon routine are needed please contact the office/teacher before 2:00 pm.
The playground will be unavailable for use during departure times.
Bus Dismissal:
Orion Kindergarten bus riders will be dismissed at 2:25 pm to be assisted onto the bus before other students are released.
All other bus riders will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.
School Age Program:
Ketchikan/Illa School Age Program students will be met by program staff at 2:30 pm at the ice ink sidewalk curve on the Arctic Warrior side of the school.
Students will board the bus there and follow program protocols.
If changes to the afternoon routine are needed please contact the office/teacher and the school age program before 2:00 pm.