- Chester Valley Elementary
- Arrival and Dismissal
Pick up and drop off at Chester Valley
Chester Valley Elementary Arrival and Dismissal Procedures 2023-2024
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Please be advised of our revised school guidelines regarding arrival and dismissal of students as summarized below. All students and parents are expected to abide by these guidelines.
Chester Valley Elementary is intended to be a “walking school” and, as such, the building grounds are not designed to safely accommodate vehicle traffic associated with student drop-off and pick-up. All vehicle traffic and parking should be contained to the available spaces along Patterson Street and the Methodist Church parking lot across the street from the school. We encourage all students and parents to walk to school, rather than using vehicles, if at all possible.
Upon arrival each morning, all students should proceed to the rear (east side) of the school building.
Tuesday through Friday:
Students should arrive no earlier than 7:40 AM each morning Tuesday through Friday. Supervision will be provided beginning at 7:40 AM only at the designated arrival area behind the school.
The school grounds, including the playground, will be closed for activity at this time.
The first morning bell will ring at 7:50 AM and all students will be escorted into the building by their homeroom teacher. They will proceed to their classrooms for breakfast. We will serve each student a
nutritious breakfast, free of charge, in classrooms each morning.
School begins at 8:00 AM each day. Students are expected to be in classrooms and ready to learn no later than 8:00. Tardy students must check in at the office.
Monday Late Start
Every Monday this school year will feature a late start in order to allow for professional development activities for staff.
School will start at 9:00 AM. If possible, students should arrive at 8:45 AM. We will have limited supervision available starting at 7:45 every day. Students will be allowed to enter the building beginning at 7:50.
Late Arrival
Students who arrive at school after school has started (9AM Mondays, 8AM Tues-Fri) should enter through the main front entrance and check in at the front office.