- Government Hill Elementary
- About Government Hill
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Educating all students for success in life.
Our vision is to build a diverse community of confident lifelong learners dedicated to being respectful, responsible, resilient.
Educator Collective Commitments
- We will teach SEL as a priority.
- We will have consistent expectations and consequences.
- We will build positive relationships by celebrating the accomplishments of all students.
- We will use differentiated and intentional teaching for the success of all learners.
Student Collective Commitments
- I will be respectful, responsible, and resilient.
- I will strive to follow school expectations.
- I will celebrate the accomplishments of others.
- I will embrace an “I Can” attitude in all subject areas, including Spanish.
Parent Collective Commitments- My family and I will be respectful, responsible, and resilient.
- My family and I will follow school expectations.
- My family and I will build positive relationships by participating in school activities, volunteering and attending scheduled meetings.
- My family and I will embrace an "I Can" attitude and I will work with the school team to find resources to help my child if they are struggling.
MISIÓN:Educar a todos los estudiantes para el éxito en la vida.Compromisos colectivos de educadores:1. Enseñaremos Lecciones de Aprendizaje Socio-emocional como prioridad.2. Tendremos expectativas y consecuencias consistentes.3. Construiremos relaciones positivas celebrando los logros de todos los estudiantes.4. Usaremos enseñanza diferenciada e intencional para el éxito de todos los estudiantes.Compromisos colectivos estudiantiles:1. Seré respetuoso, responsable y resiliente.2. Me esforzaré por seguir las expectativas de la escuela.3. Celebraré los logros de los demás.4. Adoptaré una actitud de “Yo puedo” en todas las materias, incluido el Español.