- Homestead Elementary
- Parking
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Parking lot information
Homestead Elementary is committed to providing our students a safe and secure learning environment. This commitment includes the safe drop off and pick up of our children. To safely and efficiently accommodate all of the vehicle, bus and pedestrian traffic, the following protocol has been designed.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up in Private Vehicle
In the morning, drivers enter in front of the school and pull as far forward as possible on the right hand curb in the drop off zone. At this time, please have students prepared to exit the car from the right side only. Drivers are to remain in the vehicle. If a student needs special help exiting the car, please follow the parking and escorting children procedure. After students are clear of the vehicle, please pull forward to exit the parking lot. This is a single lane so please wait in line rather than pull forward on the left while dropping off or picking up.
The same procedure is followed at afternoon pick up, but students will wait in line until a teacher excuses them to get in their car.
Children are allowed to exit and enter vehicles only in the Drop Off/Pick Up zone. Drivers and children are also asked to always defer to staff direction.
Parking and Escorting Children into School
When possible, parents are asked to help avoid parking lot congestion by using the Drop Off/Pick Up procedure. When there is a need to assist a child into school, parents may enter the parking lot (which is designated one way, please follow signs) and park. Driver may then walk the student into the building at the designated crosswalk. Please follow the same procedure at pick up. Please note that students are only allowed in parking lot with an escort and crossing must be at crosswalk. After drop off/pick up, please follow one way traffic flow to exit the lot.
Accessible Parking
Vehicles with a government-issued disability parking placard may park in one of the dedicated spots available in the parking lot. Please follow all additional parking lot rules.
Buses and other Public Transport
Buses will line up and wait in the bus turn around in both the AM and PM. Drivers are asked to yield to these vehicles and stay on alert for children.