Remote Learning Procedures

  • In case of school closure, SAVE will follow the ASD procedure for Remote Learning. The goal is for students to earn 2 points for each class during each remote learning day.


    Step 1: Complete all assigned work given in person during class


    Step 2: Check for any Remind messages from your teacher 

    Remind is the primary tool to communicate with your teachers and other staff at SAVE. You have an account that is linked to your ASD login, but you may need to set up your notifications. 

      • Log in to Clever with your ASD credentials
      • Click Remind (the link is at the bottom of the page under More Apps)
      • In Remind, click your name in the upper left corner
      • Select Account Settings  
      • Update your Profile and select your desired Notification Preferences

    You are automatically enrolled with your current teachers. The last number of the class name signifies the period number (i.e. H0076-Language Arts, Special Topics-Jackson-8-1 is the class for period 1)


    Step 3: Log into Canvas for any additional assignments if points are still needed