Academies of Anchorage Overview

  • The Academies of Anchorage will transform the high school experience for ASD students.

Why Choose the Academies Model?

College Ready

  • College


    Over 70% of living wage jobs will require something beyond a high school diploma; we must ensure more students are academically prepared to access post- secondary learning opportunities such as college and technical training.

Career Ready

  • Climb


    Anchorage’s economic future depends on a robust, innovative workforce; we must provide educational pathways for all students that lead to in-demand, high-wage career opportunities.

Life Ready

  • Life ready


    College and career readiness programs have long focused on academic knowledge and behaviors, but social skills, interpersonal skills, and transition skills are taught separately; we must integrate these skills that are critical to helping students navigate their paths through life.

General FAQs about the Program

  • What is the academy model?

  • How will the Academies of Anchorage work?

  • Will all students be part of an academy?

  • What is an academy pathway?

  • What changes will be made to Anchorage high schools as part of this process?

  • Will advanced classes such as AP, IB and Dual-Enrollment still be offered in the Academy model?

  • How will elective classes be impacted?

  • How will this program provide exposure to career opportunities?

FAQs for Parents and Students

  • What if my child will be in high school but graduates before 2028?

  • What should my child do if they are not interested in the career pathways offered by their school?

  • My student is interested in topics that are not part of a career pathway. Will they still be able to study those subjects?

  • How will students with disabilities participate in this academy model?

  • What if my student is new to the school or community?

  • How are students who do not have a specific interested placed in an academy?

  • Will JROTC continue to be an option for my child?

  • How will World language classes and immersion classes be impacted?

  • Will student still have the opportunity to attend King Tech?

  • Will students need to transfer to other schools?

  • The contents found on the Academies of Anchorage hot topics page were developed under a grant from the Department of Education.