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A Few Upcoming Events
The Zombie Fun Run is October 17th. Skinny Raven is bringing an inflatable arch and run timer for the kids, and parent volunteers will be "zombies".
The Fall Festival is October 18th from 6pm- 7:30pm. Our largest event of the year with carnival games, a cakewalk, and face painting. We would love to see you there! We also have a candy drive with the incentive of a class party for the top contributors (by candy weight) Montessori and Neighborhood class.
Craft Fair - November 23rd, with more than 50 vendors this year.
Winter and Spring Break Food Drives - We run two food drives to build boxes for those students who usually rely on the school breakfast and lunches to get through the holiday breaks.
Silent Auction/Gingerbread Houses - Dec 13th. We host a free event in the MPR for students to come build "gingerbread" houses and also host a silent auction at the same time.
Barnes & Noble Book Fair - March 1st. This coincides with our IditaREAD which runs the whole month of March.
How to Contact Us
Email us at tudorelementarypta@yahoo.com.