Synopsis of ABC Program Expectations and Guidelines

  1. Homework will be assigned in academic subjects at each grade level. 
  2. Letter grades in academic subjects will be issued quarterly in grades 1 through 5. Academic achievement awards will be issued quarterly for students with a grade average of 3.5 and higher.
  3. Dress and personal appearance must comply with Birchwood ABC Dress Code.Neatness and cleanliness are mandatory. The dress code will be enforced.
  4. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Parents will be contacted if behavioral concerns arise.  Progressive discipline guidelines of the Anchorage School District/Birchwood ABC will be followed.
  5. High moral standards, respect, and patriotism will be emphasized at all grade levels. Special attention will be given to character education.
  6. Manners and citizenship are the hallmark of this program. Students will be expected to address adults as Mr. and Mrs. or Miss; use good table manners in the lunch room; and be held accountable for their behavior at all times.
  7. Academic expectations will demand that each student strive for high goals. The curriculum standards will not be lowered. Accurate and thorough grading procedures will be followed.
  8. Opportunities to become involved in student government and enrichment activities are available and encouraged.
  9. Students are taught problem solving strategies and are expected to use these strategies to resolve their disputes.