- Birchwood ABC Elementary
- Student Handbook
Children may bring their lunch or purchase a hot lunch. Hot lunch may be purchased through an account system. On an emergency basis, children may charge lunch if they forget their lunch or lunch money. Repayment is expected the next day. Lunch money may be added to your child’s account online through ParentConnect. Please notify the school cafeteria manager should there be any questions or concerns about lunch accounts and payments.
Each student is expected to:
- Bring a lunch or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria.
- There is a limit of three unpaid lunch charges. There are no milk charges.
- Remain on school grounds during lunch hours. To leave the campus during school hours, the office must have a written parental request for the student to leave followed by parental check out/in the school office at the time of departure.
- Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child in the lunchroom after checking in at the office.
Lunchroom Behavior
Each student will be expected to:
- Show respect to noon duty supervisors and all supervising staff.
- Use a quiet voice, level 2.
- Always use appropriate table manners.
- Stay seated until an adult dismisses you.
- Raise their hand if they have a need.
- Eat his/her own lunch. Food sharing is not allowed. This is a safety issue.
- Clean up your tabletop and floor before you leave the lunchroom.
- Walking feet only.