
Responsibilities: Principal

  1. Provide a safe, positive and welcoming learning environment.
  2. Enforce and support a school-wide discipline.
  3. Attempt to solve school-related problems or conflicts of students, staff, parents and the community.
  4. Develop and maintain a plan to provide for the safety and welfare of both students and faculty.
  5. Develop and maintain communication and rapport with students, staff, parents and the community.
  6. Understand and accept all students, staff and parents.
  7. Ensure that the rights of students are protected.
  8. Ensure that parents are notified of their student's progress and any significant changes in their achievement and/or behavior.
  9. Establish and maintain a positive school climate that provides frequent, realistic opportunities for students, staff and parents to participate in the identification and resolution of school-related concerns.
  10. Adhere to the procedures set forth in Anchorage School District policies.
  11. Uphold the Anchorage School District policies and procedures.

Responsibilities: Staff

  1. Provide a safe, positive and welcoming learning environment.
  2. Understand and facilitate the alternative curriculum for reading and math and character development.
  3. Implement a discipline policy and communicate this policy to parents and students.
  4. Maintain communication with principal, staff, students and parents.
  5. Understand and accept all students.
  6. Notify parents of student’s progress and if necessary any significant changes in behavior.
  7. Provide a positive classroom climate that provides challenging but realistic opportunities for student growth.
  8. Adhere to the requirements set forth in federal and state mandates.
  9. Uphold the Anchorage School District and Birchwood ABC policies and procedures.

Responsibilities: Parents

  1. Help school staff provide a safe, positive and welcoming learning environment.
  2. Establish and maintain, in the home, a positive attitude toward education.
  3. Show an active interest in the child's schoolwork and progress through regular communication with the school.
  4. Assist your child to be neat, clean and well groomed.
  5. Ensure the child's regular daily attendance and promptness.
  6. Keep the child out of school when he or she is ill.
  7. Provide notification when your child will be absent.
  8. Cooperate with school personnel when the child is involved in a disciplinary matter.
  9. Cooperate with school personnel in the maintenance of the child's physical and emotional health.
  10. Understand the procedures set forth in ASD and Birchwood ABC policies.
  11. Attend parent/teacher conferences.
  12. Become familiar with the school and classroom rules.
  13. Respond to a teacher's and school staff's communication.
  14. Provide correct working telephone numbers and addresses at all times.

Responsibilities: Students

  1. Help provide a safe, positive and welcoming school environment.
  2. Be prompt to all classes.
  3. Be prepared for class with assigned work and appropriate materials.
  4. Be accountable for his/her own work.
  5. Be neat, clean and well groomed.
  6. Behave in a safe and responsible manner.
  7. Show respect for all individuals and property.
  8. Strive for academic growth.
  9. Cooperate with school staff.
  10. Follow the rules and regulations established by the school and classroom teacher.