• Attendance  

    A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. There is a direct correlation between students who attend school regularly and higher academic achievement levels. If your child is missing school, please call 907-742-3900 before 9:15 a.m. to report the absence.

    Tardy students

    Students who arrive at school after  9:00 a.m. must sign in at the office.


    All parents and visitors entering the school building are required to sign in at the office.

    Pick-up contact information

    If there are changes to the contact information for individuals designated to pick up students from school, parents must come to the office to pick up/fill out a change form.  

    Missed schoolwork

    Mountain View considers attendance extremely important and parents who choose to remove their children from school must be aware that teachers will not be responsible for missing school work.

    A voluntary absence is defined as: 
    Any absence where the parent or guardian by choice removes the child from school, which includes but is not limited to vacations, private lessons, truancy, or baby-sitting.

    If your child has an absence due to extenuating circumstances, you can request to have those absences pre-approved. Click on the link below to access the form.

     Pre-approved absence