- Spring Hill Elementary
- Lost | Damaged Books
Lost/Damaged Books
When a student has either lost or damaged library materials, the item(s) needs to be taken care of before the end of the school year.
This can be done in 1 of 3 ways.
- Pay for lost or damaged item(s). $20 for hardcover books, and $10 for paperback books.
- Replace lost or damaged item(s) (this is the preferred method). I recommend either checking Title Wave Book Store on Northern Lights Boulevard OR ordering the item(s) through Amazon for the best price.
- Students can work/read off fines for lost or damaged item(s). Students will have to use their recess time to work off fines. The number of recesses depends on the format of the item(s) lost or damaged. Softcover books are two recesses, hardcover books are four recesses, and Play Away audiobooks are eight recesses. If you select this option, please get in touch with me a few weeks before the end of the school year so that students have adequate time to work off their fines.