- Spring Hill Elementary
- Collection Development Policy
Spring Hill Elementary
Library Media Center
Collection Development Plan
Vision Statement
Spring Hill Elementary school library is an equitable environment that offers a diverse, inclusive, and balanced collection to serve the needs of all its users.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Spring Hill library is to provide equitable access, develop better readers, create independent researchers, and support classroom curriculum. All this is done through the development and maintenance of a diverse collection of materials that not only provide supplemental materials for classroom instruction, but also recreational reading materials on topics of interest.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of Spring Hill library is to instill the love of reading in our students that will turn them into lifelong readers. It is also the goal to provide current, supplemental materials to support classroom instruction. It is the responsibility of the library to provide diverse materials that represent different reading levels, interests, and points of view. Materials in the library do not automatically mean Spring Hill supports or endorses the content presented.
The Library Media Specialist will:
- Teach students to access, evaluate, and use information.
- Maintain a well-balanced collection of materials appropriate to the needs of the school.
- Provide assistance with locating and using instructional materials.
- Promote current web-based information to students and faculty.
Policies and Procedures
Student Checkout
Students have the opportunity to check books out a few times a week; during their weekly library class and open checkout periods, if the school year allows for open checkout periods. PreK and Kindergarten are allowed one book at a time and 1st-5th grade students are allowed to have up to two books. Students are allowed to have their books for two weeks before they are considered overdue, but they can return them anytime within those two weeks and check-out new books during open checkout or library class time.
Overdue Books
Students will be given overdue notices periodically throughout each quarter. Students must return a book(s) to get a new one(s).
Lost or Damaged Books
When a student has either lost or damaged library materials, the item(s) needs to be taken care of before the end of the school year.
This can be done in 1 of 3 ways.
- Pay for lost or damaged item(s). If the price of the lost/damaged item(s) is not on the overdue notice, please contact the librarian.
- Replace lost or damaged item(s) (this is the preferred method). It is recommended families either check Title Wave Book Store on Northern Lights Boulevard OR order the item(s) through Amazon to get the best price.
- Students can "work" off fines for the lost or damaged item(s). Students will have to use their recess time to work off fines. The number of recesses depends on the format of the item(s) lost or damaged. Softcover books are 2 recesses, hardcover books are 4 recesses, and Play Away audiobooks are 8 recesses. If you select this option, please contact me a few weeks before the end of the school year so that students have adequate time to work off their fines.
Collection Maintenance
Spring Hill Elementary library’s collection is evaluated annually in order to ensure students and staff have access to current, relevant, and diverse information. Circulation reports and classroom curriculum will be used to determine how the collection is being used and how it should change for our patron's needs. Materials will be continuously assessed for their physical condition and their use.
Materials purchased for the library will be based on grade-level curriculum and the age/condition of the existing collection. These needs are given first consideration in the selection of materials. The selection of materials is then based on student and staff requests and recommendations. The librarian is responsible for selecting materials and building and maintaining the collection. Prospective books are evaluated using reviews from websites, such as Good Reads Reviews and School Library Journal Reviews, before they are purchased.
The library’s collection will continually be evaluated in accordance with curriculum changes, new material formats, the interests and needs of users, and condition. Weeding is essential to maintain a relevant collection. Materials will be removed from the collection when items:
- Are in poor physical condition.
- Have not been checked out in over 3 years.
- Contain inaccurate or obsolete information.
- Are no longer needed to support the curriculum or student/faculty interests.
Intellectual Freedom
Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause, or movement may be explored.
Challenged Materials
Any community member, within the Anchorage School District, may challenge library materials used in the district’s school’s library program on the basis of appropriateness. Challenged materials should first be brought to the attention of the school's librarian or principal and tried to be resolved informally. If a person wishes to file a formal challenge, a copy of the district’s Controversial Issues Policy and Materials Reconsideration Form will be provided to the individual by the librarian or building administrator. They will also be provided with a link to ASD's Controversial Concerns Request website so they can learn and take the appropriate steps needed to complete the process. Once the school has received the Materials Reconsideration Form, the administrator will appoint a reconsideration committee. The committee shall review the challenged material and judge whether it conforms to the principles of selection outlined in the district’s BP 6161.1 Selection and Evaluation of Instruction Materials Policy.
If the challenge has not been resolved at the school level, within 10 days of receiving the Materials Reconsideration Form, the challenge will then be submitted to the Senior Director of Teaching and Learning. The director shall assign three teachers from the challenged content area and three administrators from the grade span in question to review the concern. This committee will review the concern and make a decision regarding the appropriateness of the issue.
The individual or individuals who are challenging the issue(s) may appeal this decision to the Deputy Superintendent or his/her designee. The Deputy Superintendent will review the issue and information with the Senior Directors within Academic Services to make a decision. The complainant is advised to consider and accept the Superintendent or designee’s decision as final. However, if the complainant finds the Superintendent or designee’s decision unsatisfactory, he/she may request that the matter be placed on the agenda of a regular School Board meeting.
For more in-depth information on controversial materials, please review AR 6163.1(a) Libraries/Media Centers and AR 6144 (a) Controversial Issues which will be reviewed and possibly adapted to better support, BP 6163.1 LIBRARIES/MEDIA CENTERS and BP 6144 CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES.
First Amendment and Censorship
In accordance with The First Amendment and Censorship, it states that individuals are allowed to speak, publish, read and view what they wish…
Library Bill of Rights
Library Bill of Rights The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
A more general Anchorage School District Library Collection Development policy can be found here.