- Inlet View Elementary
- Attendance & School Policies
Attendance & School Polices
Families now have the option to either email the office at inletviewoffice@asdk12.org or enter their student(s) excused absence or tardy for the day via Q/ParentConnection by clicking the link.
This can also be done from the ASD mobile app! Look for the Attendance Manager icon when you log into the ASD app.
Parents/guardians can excuse an absence through the ASD App up to three days prior and three days after the absence for the following reasons: illness,
medical, or religious. If your reason is not listed you may write it in the NOTES section.Please call the school at 907-742-7630 if your child will be late. Families may also call if student(s) will not be attending school. Parents who do not call before 10:30 a.m. will receive a call and e-mail from the school district's automated absence system.
Pre-Planned Absences:
Pre-Approved Absences will now be requested directly to the office via email at inletviewoffice@asdk12.org or phone call at 907-742-7630. Requests can be at your earliest convenience or preferably one week prior to taking your child out of school for any pre-planned absence. Principal Ahrens will review each request.
Early Pick Up:
Only parents, guardians, or designated Release Contacts (provided on enrollment paperwork) are allowed to pick up a student during school hours. When you sign your child out for the day, the office staff will locate the student and have them sent to the office.
Phone Calls:
School phones are limited to school business or emergencies. Students may be allowed to use the phone in the case of an emergency. Plans for after-school activities or play dates should be discussed at home before the school day. If an after-school activity or plan has changed, please call the school at 907-742-7630 and the office staff will relay the message to your student.
Moving or Switching Schools:
We understand family situations sometimes involve having to leave us. In the event this happens please contact the office to let us know you will be unenrolling your student(s). For student(s) enrolling in Out-of-District aka non ASD school please request your students records from https://anchorageak.scriborder.com/. If you are transferring to a school within the Anchorage School District the new school will submit a records request to us and we will submit records to them.