Philosophy Overview

  • The program philosophy of the Birchwood Anchorage Basic Curriculum K-6 Program is the belief that parents and teachers perceive that the purpose of education is to provide children with the skills necessary to be productive citizens; to compete in a global job market; and to instill the highest principles that are requisite to the moral health and welfare of the community. Some of the elements that instill these values are parental involvement, student homework, student participation in community service activities, and students having leadership roles within the school environment.


    The maintenance of a positive and wholesome environment for learning is a shared responsibility of the students, parents, teachers, administrators, and school board, all of whom are dedicated to high standards of academic achievement and development of good character. The students at Birchwood ABC are expected to use good manners at all times. Phrases such as 'please, thank you, yes ma'am, no sir' are inherent in the program.


    Birchwood ABC K-6 School goals are based on the concept of achieving the highest standards of academics, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, respect, and courtesy. Birchwood ABC is dedicated to helping children reach the highest competence in the fundamental skills of moral and character development: responsibility for personal behavior, development of a spirit of individual achievement and appropriate competition; learning values of the community, nation, and the world. The school seeks to provide a climate that will help children to develop these competencies.


    Birchwood ABC School is a highly structured learning operation dedicated to academic excellence. It is designed to provide basic fundamental instruction in an environment that will emphasize this type of learning. Discipline is a vital part of the ABC program and is essential for the basic learning functions. Birchwood ABC students will adhere to the Students Rights and Responsibilities procedures with continued emphasis on the expectations already in existence.