General Information

  • PLC Monday School Hours (9am - 2:30pm)**

    8:50 AM: First bell. Students may enter the building

    9:00 AM: Tardy bell

    • Students arriving after 9:00 am are marked tardy and MUST sign in at the office and receive a tardy slip prior to going to their classroom

    2:30 PM: Dismissal

    • Please be on-time to pick-up students at the end of the school day.
    • Students walking home need to leave school grounds promptly.
    • The front office closes at 3pm 
    • Main entrance doors are locked, office staff will buzz visitors in.
    • School grounds should be cleared of all students by 3:00 pm.
    • Click on our "families" tab for a list of day care / after-school care options if you can't pick up promptly at 2:30 pm.


    **Schools will be starting 1 hour late on Mondays for Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) for staff. Buses will pick up students one hour later on PLC Mondays. Schools will end at the regular time (2:30pm). Families may still drop their student(s) off at their regular drop off time. This will allow families to have an option for a consistent drop-off time as we adjust to this change in students' Monday schedule. While teachers participate in their professional development, other staff members will be onsite to supervise students that arrive before 8:50am.


    Tuesday- Friday School Hours (8am - 2:30pm)

    7:50 AM: First bell - Students may enter the building

    • Please do not send your child to school earlier than 7:40 as there will be no supervision on school grounds, and they are not allowed in the building prior to the first bell.

    8:00 AM: Tardy bell

    • Students arriving after 8:00 am are marked tardy and MUST sign in at the office and receive a tardy slip prior to going to their classroom.

    2:30 PM: Dismissal

    • Please be on-time to pick-up students at the end of the school day.
    • Students walking home need to leave school grounds promptly.
    • The front office closes at 3:30 pm 
    • Main entrance doors are locked, office staff will buzz visitors in.
    • School grounds should be cleared of all students by 3:00 pm.
    • Click on our "families" tab for a list of day care / after-school care options if you can't pick up promptly at 2:30 pm.


    Signing In/Out


    • When signing in and out, use the computer located at the front desk in the office. If you have any questions, the office staff will assist you.
    • All volunteers must complete a volunteer application online and be cleared by ASD annually before being allowed to volunteer during school hours.


    School Telephones

    School phones are limited to school business and emergencies. Children will be permitted to use the phone only in an emergency. Plans for after-school activities should be made at home before the school day. Students and teachers should not be asked to come to the phone when classes are in session, except in an emergency.


    Cell Phones

    Elementary and middle school students (grades K-8) are permitted to use cellular phones and other ECD’s only before and after school. Cellular telephones and other ECDs must remain off and put away at all other times during the school day.

    Possession of a cellular telephone or other electronic computer device (ECD) by a student is a privilege which may be forfeited by any student who fails to abide by the terms of the District policy, or otherwise engages in misuse of the device so as to violate the law or any other school or District rule.  Additionally, the student assumes all risk of loss, damage or theft of the cellular phone or other electronic device.

    (Source: ASD Elementary Student Handbook 2016-17)


    Breakfast/Lunch Program

    If your child forgets his/her lunch, bring it to the office with your child's name and room number clearly marked. Students will be notified and may pick up their lunch in the office at lunchtime, without interrupting instructional time.


    2024-2025 Lunch and Recess Schedule:


    [Kindergarten] Parks, Mateaki, Wasko................................10:00-10:30 / 10:30-11:00


    [1st Grade] Burke, Adams, Baker...................................10:15-10:45 / 10:45-11:15


    [2nd Grade] Kono, Shields,Padilla...................................10:30-11:00 / 11:00-11:30


    [4th Grade] Pock, Shrestha, Ige......................................10:50-11:20 / 11:20-11:50


    [5th Grade] Ramuglia, Kamimura, Merritt......................11:05-11:35 / 11:35-12:05


    [3rd Grade] White, Matsushita, Thompson....................11:25-11:55 / 11:55-12:25



    School Lunches

    • Hot lunches may be purchased daily either by adding money to a student's Q parentconnect or by sending in cash/check.  Students bringing lunches from home may purchase milk from the cafeteria.


    Free/Reduced Lunch Program Click Here to Apply

    • If you apply for free or reduced price lunches, applications must be submitted online and approved each school year. Students bringing lunches from home may purchase milk from the cafeteria.


    Lunch Charges

    • On an emergency basis, children may charge lunch if they forget their lunch or lunch money. Since only a small amount of money is available to cover charged lunches, repayment is expected the following school day.


    Lost and Found

    The Lost and Found is located-down the 2nd grade hall in the warm-up room. Please mark your child's sweaters, jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes etc. for easy identification.  Parents are invited to check the Lost and Found. We are not responsible for personal toys, games or other personal items that should not be brought to school.



    Bikes, scooters, skateboards and roller blades are only allowed on the school grounds with a signed parent permission form and helmet being worn. Any student riding a bike to school must supply a lock. Bikes must be stored in the bike rack area. Students riding to school must wear bicycle helmets and while on school grounds must walk/push their bike/scooter and carry skateboards Permission Slip


    Birthday Snacks

    At this time, snacks for classrooms are not permitted.  We have a number of different allergies throughout the school building and want to make sure all of our students are safe.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.