- William Tyson Elementary
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William Tyson Elementary School
2801 Richmond Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Front Office
Main Phone: 907-742-8000
Fax: 907-742-8008
Office Email: TysonOffice@asdk12.org
Shauna Booton, Principal
Ellen Drake, Assistant Principal
Cheri Evans, Administrative Assistant
Michi Wiseman, Secretary
Nurse's Office
TJ Rodgers, RN
Direct Line: 907-742-8001
School Mascot: Ravens
School Colors: Blue & Green
Grades: PreK - 5
Feeder Schools:
Bettye Davis East Anchorage High School
Before & After School Non-District Childcare Options
Before School Option: Our school houses the Camp Fire Alaska Before School Program from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. There is limited space available. For any information about this program, please contact Camp Fire Alaska directly by calling 907-279-3551 or go to the Camp Fire Alaska website.
Before & After School Option: Boys & Girls Clubs Alaska Clubhouse program in Mountain View serves youth ages 6-18 years of age from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and can include transportation to and from our school. For information about this program, please call 907-248-5437 or go to the Boys & Girls Club Alaska website.
Breakfast & Lunch Program
Our school offers free breakfast and lunch to all of our students. Breakfast and lunch program information, including menus, can be found on the ASD Student Nutrition webpage.