About Denali

  • Overview of the Denali K-6 Montessori Program

    Denali Montessori began in 1985 with two classrooms of combined kindergarten/ first/second grade. It is now one of the many alternative programs in the Anchorage School District, with a waiting list for all grades. Denali Montessori is a unified neighborhood and optional program providing Montessori education for students in the neighborhood as well as from other areas within the Anchorage municipality.

    The Montessori program has approximately 400 children enrolled in 19 classrooms as of fall, 2023. There are three kindergarten classrooms, seven primary classrooms (combining grades 1, 2, and 3), five intermediate classrooms (combining grades 4, 5, and 6), 3 Life Skills classes, and a Migrant Education Preschool. 

    Denali Montessori follows ASD requirements for class sizes. Montessori adheres to the same curriculum standards as all schools in the Anchorage School District. Progress reports record mastery of specific Montessori skills during the 3-year cycle. 

    Parents play a primary role in the success of the Montessori program. Montessori is a highly individualized learning method, following the interests and levels of the children. The program values and relies on parent volunteers to help in the classrooms. 

    The school building houses three Special Education classrooms for children with intensive needs, and a Migrant Education Preschool program. School activities (assemblies, after-school clubs, multi-cultural activities, spelling bees, etc.) include all students. 


  • Development of Life-long Learning

    Our multi-age learning environment stimulates the child’s natural curiosity; fosters personal discoveries; and creates socially responsible citizens of the world.


    Our community cultivates a climate of respect – for self, others and environment. 

    Independent, Self-motivated Learners

    Students have the opportunity to take ownership of their individually chosen paths of learning within a structured, prepared environment that encourages independent, self-motivated learners. 


    Denali students, staff and families work and learn together to create solutions peacefully, and promote harmony in our community, nation and world.

  • Diversity/Cultural Awareness

    We celebrate our different ethnicities, backgrounds and experiences. 

    The Authentic Child

    Our Montessori practices support each child’s unique nature and development through compassionate communication and constructive responses. 


    Denali Montessori promotes strength of mind through character development that nurtures community awareness and global respect.


    Read more about "What is Montessori" by choosing the link in the sidebar to the right.