- Eagle River High School
- Eagle River High School Homepage
Report an Absence
Excuse Your Child’s Absence through Q/ParentConnection
OR call the ERHS automated line at 907-742-2700 extension 1. Please spell your student’s name.
If your student is late send a note with your student
OR call the automated attendance line. 907-742-2700 extension 1
Leaving Early:
If your student needs to leave early, send a note
OR Call the automated attendance line. Identifying yourself, your student, and the time they will leave.
Please do this as early as possible.
Blue passes called in the last 30 minutes of the school day will not be honored unless it is for an emergency.
- Blue passes will not be issued during an assembly.
Long-Term Absences: If your student is going to be absent for five or more days and you know in advance…
If your student plans to be absent for five days or longer, a Pre-Arranged Absence Form must be filled out. The completed form should be submitted to the main office about a week before the planned absence for approval consideration.
Please visit our attendance webpage if you would like more information about attendance issues.