School Policies

  • Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, and In-Line Skates

    If your child wishes to ride a bicycle, scooter, skateboard or in-line skates to school, please ensure that they are wearing a helmet and have a lock to secure their wheels. Locks and helmets are mandatory requirements for any type of riding to school. Please be aware that we do not have room to store skateboards or scooters in classrooms.


    Additionally, all riding/rolling must stop once students reach the school grounds. They must not ride any of these item on school walkways, for safety's sake. 


    Ice Rink Expectations - No Exceptions

    Hats, gloves, and a winter coat are required for all students. Snowpants are required for students in K-3. Rubber or plastic skate guards are required to protect the floor and for others' safety. A winter sports helmet is highly recommended and encouraged.


    Skating safely and responsibly is expected. The volunteer monitor's requests need to be respected and followed immediately. If not, students may lose the privilege to skate.  We count on our volunteers!


    Pets on campus...No, No

    Pets are wonderful members of our families and we love them dearly. However, sometimes an exuberant child may frighten your normally well-behaved animal with the potential for serious injury to the child. Or your well-behaved animal may terrify a young child who has had a previous bad experience with a dog. In addition, some of our students have severe allergies to animal fur and dander. For all these reasons, please do not bring your dog to school when you are walking with your child. Thank you for your understanding.

    Gladys Wood Home-Student Compact