Attending School

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    A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. There is a direct correlation between students who attend school regularly and higher academic achievement levels.  In order to reach our Destination 2022 goal on attendance, students can miss no more than 17 days of school per year. This may seem like a lot but it's less than two absences per month.


    Pre-Planned Absences

    ASD requires parents to fill out a Pre-Approved Absence Request at least one week in advance of taking your child out of school for a pre-planned absence.  

    The school board updated policy 443 in June 2013 to define what constitutes an excused absence from school. Conditions include:

    • Illness
    • Death or serious illness in the immediate family
    • Participation in a school function
    • Attendance at a religious service
    • Extenuating circumstances approved by the principal


    Make-Up Work for Students with Excused Absences

    If a student misses school, parents are encouraged to work with their child's teacher and principal to determine the appropriate make-up work and timeline to complete the work. 


    Attendance Notifications

    An automated “robocall” attendance phone message goes out to all students with an unexcused absence. Elementary households will receive calls, beginning at 11 a.m.  Parents should call our office at 742-1300 when their child will not be attending school or will be arriving late.  Parents who do not call in by 10 a.m. will receive a call and an email by ASD’s automated absence system.


    Early Pick-Up

    The end of the day is a very busy time. Teachers are giving last-minute instructions as well as getting 20 or more children dressed and ready to go outside. For this reason, unless it is an emergency, we will not call the classroom after 3:15 p.m. If you do plan to pick up your child early, please do so before this time. Parents must come to the office to sign their child out of school. We will call the student from their class at that time, not before you arrive.



    School begins at 9:00 a.m. Tardiness disrupts instruction for the late student and for the rest of the class. Students who are not in their classroom ready to learn at 9:00 a.m. are considered tardy. Students arriving after 9:05 will need to sign in at the office.