Polaris General Assembly


    Feb 2024

    Polaris General Assembly, February 28, 2024


    First Polaris General Assembly, November, 29 2023



PGA Details

  • Next Polaris General Assembly:  TBD


    Polaris General Assembly (PGA) is open to all members of the secondary student body, with representation from all Advisories. Resolutions are presented, debated, discussed and voted on by the entire body, following Robert's Rules of Order.  General Assembly allows students to amplify and organize their voices. The goal is to facilitate at least one PGA each semester.


    What is Polaris General Assembly (PGA)?



    Delegate Registration 




Resolution Process

  • A resolution is a motion to take a certain action or express a certain view.  It is a means to amplify student voices and gather consensus. An effective resolution is one that conveys a sense of the issue or problem that led to the proposed action, provides an explanation or justification for the particular proposed solution, and makes it absolutely clear what students are voting on. A resolution is not a change in bylaws or policy, although it could result in such action. The ultimate purpose is to advance the common good and effect positive change.


    VIDEO: Resolution Tutorial from AASG



    Polaris Resolution Template



    Resolution Assistance Request



    Final Resolution Submission

2023/24 Resolutions

2022/23 Resolutions

2021/22 Resolutions

2017/18 Resolutions