• Staff will be supporting our hallway being cleared out by 3:05. If students are waiting for a ride, they need to do this outside the front office.
    • Please review with your child(ren) your after-school family plan. Thank you for having those plans in place in advance.
    • Students are welcome to play on the playground after school, if there is active parent supervision. School rules still apply (i.e. helmets and ice skates when on the ice rink, two-hand touch football, etc).
    • While we value the conversations with teachers after-school, please know that staff are monitoring the end of the day dismissal. Your support with keeping conversations brief is very helpful.
    • We value the visiting that happens after school among other parents. Please balance that with keeping in mind the school’s need to keep our students safe.
    • We know parking is challenging. Thank you for the continued effort to keep our fire lane accessible to emergency vehicles and for your awareness of children who may be near the parking lot.



    This is a reminder that Anchorage School District does not provide medical coverage for student injuries.  However, ASD has made available an option for families to purchase a low-cost student accident insurance program.

    Information is available at your school’s front office, online at www.myers-stevens.com, or by calling 800-827-4695.  Bilingual services are available.