• Chugach Science Share 2025: Introduction

    Thursday, March 20, 2025

    The Chugach Science Share is our non-competitive Science Fair that challenges students to practice the scientific method with their own experiment and share their findings with our Chugach community. All students are invited to participate by completing a science project and meeting a Science Mentor on Science Share night, and 5th and 6th graders are required to participate

    PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE HERE Students completing projects must complete the Online Registration so we can assign them a mentor on Science Share night. 

    • All Science Share projects should be brought to school on or before Monday morning March 18. Students will informally present their projects to their classes throughout the week. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO AND ALL THE STUDENT HANDOUTS 
    • Thursday March 10th 5:30 to 7:30 pm Family Science Share Night. On Family Science Share Night, students will have an assigned time to speak with an Adult Science Mentor about their project. It’s truly a fun night for the whole family, with pizza, cookies, and grade-appropriate science scavenger hunts to encourage the exploration of all science projects. 
    • The Alaska Science and Engineering Fair is April 4th and 5th.  It is open to all elementary school students. Any student can go to the fair.  CLICK HERE or got to https://alaskasciencefair.org/


    Parent Scientists and Science Mentors: We need Science mentors (20-30 of them!) to meet with kids individually about projects on Science Share night. These can be anyone from our Chugach community - parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents with a science background, professional or informal.

    Contact Rebecca Emerson at rebecca_bailey@yahoo.com 907-590-0648 with questions or suggestions.