• The purpose of Polaris Student-Led, Teacher and Family Supported, Conferences is to document and celebrate learning over an extended period of time using student portfolios. 


    Students meet with their teachers and parents twice a year for conferences. This practice empowers students to proactively discuss their academic, social, and emotional growth in his/her own words. Conferences invite parents into the learning environment, helping them better understand the unique developmental needs of their children and provides an opportunity for parents and teachers to share observations and assessment information.

Schedule Your Conference Online

  • Upcoming Student-led Conferences: December 6 and 13


    Online Conference Scheduler Link 

    Deadline to use the Online Conference to sign-up is Sunday, December 1.



    1. Click the link button to the right

    2. Select Polaris K-12

    3. Select Grade "Mix"

    4. Select your Advisory/Family Group

    5. Choose your preferred date

    6. Choose your preferred time

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