
  • Contact Update Form (PDF): Use this to update information for about child, such as emergency contacts or a change in work/personal phone numbers.


    Free and Reduced Lunch Application (Online): If you have completed a paper copy of this form you will not need to resubmit online. 


    Human Growth and Development Form (PDF): During the year 5th and 6th graders will take part in health lessons, taught by our health teacher. Permission is required for certain lessons which are outlined in the form. Please return this to the front office if you have not completed one.


    MFLC Form (PDF)‌: MFLC is our Military Family Life Counselor. Your child will not be seen without a permission form. MFLC runs the deployment lunch group and is in our building for support for our students. 


    PTA Membership Form (PDF): Please consider helping with PTA and becoming a member. Forms can be returned to the front office or in the drop box located outside of the PTA office. 


    Zone Exemption/Lottery Application (Online): Parents who would like their child to attend Ursa Minor but live outside of the zoning for our school will need to go here and end for the lottery. If you are unsure if your house is out of zone, please feel free to give us a call at 907-428-1311


    **Unless stated otherwise, please return all forms to the front office. Thank you.