We are a lottery school for any NEW students wishing to attend for the upcoming 25/26 school year. Great news! We no longer have an enrollment cap. This means that all students who are entered in the lottery are guaranteed a spot. Current students do not enter the lottery. Returning students will need to re-enroll online through Q/Parent Connection *The online registration system works best in Chrome/Firefox/Safari browsers.
Applications for the spring lottery will open February 1st and applications for this lottery will close on March 20th at 5:00 pm. The lottery will run on March 21st and parents will be notified of the lottery results on March 28th at 5pm. Be sure to check your email after 5pm on March 28th for the next steps for enrolling with FPCS. Click here to link to ASD's Lottery Page for more information.
- If your student is already a student of ASD at another school, you can access the system directly from QParentConnection by logging in and clicking on your student's name and then clicking the Online Lottery link from the ASD Quick Links section.
Family Partnership Correspondence School is a year-round program. Our academic year runs from July 1st - June 30th.