About Us
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Collaborating with families and community to design individualized learning plans that prepare students for life long success.
Partnering with families to support all students.
We believe that…
- students should be the focus of our school;
- there is a need for homeschooled students to be served by ASD;
- parents should bear the primary responsibility for educating their children;
- we should endeavor to create a learning environment focused on the individual talents and learning styles of each student;
- all our teachers support our homeschooling philosophy;
- we should endeavor to be supportive of homeschool philosophies;
- reading, writing, math, and the sciences are foundational for students to reach their full potential;
- public resources should be used responsibly;
- students need to be challenged with a diverse set of learning opportunities, goals, and civic responsibilities;
- high school students should be encouraged to graduate within four (4) years;
- it is mutually beneficial to work in conjunction with the ASD and State of Alaska to pioneer new ideas and frontiers in education;
- our school should encourage and support parent involvement;
- input from the school community is valuable.