• EasyBib: Dimond has a school account. See the library staff for your coupon code to gain access to all Easy Bib features. Here is a list of EasyBib hints to help you cite all types of sources:Research&EBhints (pdf).


    Style Sheets & Citation Guides
    Easy Bib MLA Guide: (pdf) A downloadable version of the style sheet many Dimond teachers use.

    Purdue OWL for great resources on bibliographic citations, bibliographies and writing research papers.
    OWL MLA Formatting and Style Guide: How to format your paper including margins, first page, subsequent pages, etc.


    Formatting Guides
    Dimond High MLA Format Google Template: takes you to Google Templates, sign in to access the template.
    DHSMLAFormatting: (pdf) A down-loadable handout.
    Honors 9 format(pdf) Ms. Norsworthy’s handout on MLA formatting.


    Online Bibliography Generators:
    These tools will help you generate your bibliography or works cited pages. 
    NOTE: you should double check the results against the style sheets your teachers require.

    EasyBib: Automatic bibliography and citation maker that supports MLA, APA & Chicago/Turabian. Dimond has a school account. Get the coupon code from a Library staff person, your teacher or the library online bookmarks.
    Bibme: Free citation generator that pulls reference content from a database of resources.
    IMSA Citation Wizard:



    Writing Guides

    ASD Google TemplatesASD teachers have created a variety of templates from tri-fold brochures to formatted documents. Log in using your ASD credentials.

    Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it
    EasyBib Plagiarism Chart:
    a visual chart to help you recognize plagiarism