Role of the APC

  • As the governing body of Highland Academy Charter School, The Academic Policy Committee (Board) fulfills three main functions:

    Stewardship of the Mission and Vision

    • Establishing and maintaining a clear mission and vision
    • Ensuring adherence to the spirit of the charter
    • Seeking and acting on data on student growth and achievement
    • Continuously evaluating the effectiveness of the academic program
    • Setting Board goals accompanied by self-evaluation and accountability

    Financial Oversight

    • Ensuring clarity of discretionary spending
    • Approving purchases over $2500

    Long-Term Planning

    Our 2020/2021 APC evaluation results highlighted the following areas of growth for the APC:  

    • Family Involvement 
    • Student Progress and Principal Performance
    • Collaborative Protocols and Productivity

    SY2024 APC Goals


    Highland Focus Area: Academics and Accountability

    Goal Area Description 


    The Board measures student progress and principal performance.

    1. The board uses principal feedback to improve the principal performance process.

    2. Board members identify celebrations in student progress and areas for growth. 


    Family & Community Engagement

    Highland Focus Areas: Accountability and Character Development 

    Goal Area Description


    The Board involves families and the community in support of the school vision.

    1. Develop a tool to connect needs with community members who can contribute to them.

    2. Increase students’ engagement and sense of community so that they become effective liaisons between Highland and parents.


    Principal Hiring Process

    Highland Focus Area: Accountability 

    Goal Area Description


    When necessary, The Board follows the Highland hiring process with fidelity when selecting the principal of the school. 


    1. Perform an audit of our hiring materials in order to refine the process. 

    2. Revise our hiring interview questions.


    Collaborative Compact