We Invite You to Join the PTSA


    Parent Teacher Student Association


    The PTSA is a way to stay involved in your child's education through engagement among parents, teachers, and administration.  It's also a great way to learn what is happening throughout the school.  Help create relationships that affect the quality of student life at West!  We need your valuable input. 


    Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month (no meeting in March due to Spring Break)  Text that says "Join PTSA" with the Anchorage High "A" logo in the middle


    Time:  5:30 PM


    Location: Library


    Meetings are free to attend.  $11 to become a voting member.


    Become a Member: https://westhighptsa.memberhub.com/store 


    For more information, please contact westhighptsa@gmail.com


    November and February Meetings are slotted to focus on Grant Requests. If your group is requesting PTSA funding, please follow the instructions on the Grant Application form.


    Don’t forget to sign up to be part of the various rewards/rebate programs such as the Fred Meyer Rewards Program and AmazonSmile. Portions of your purchases through these vendors go directly to West High PTSA to help fund grants and other requests.