- Rogers Park Elementary
- Gifted Program
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Highly Gifted (HG)
The Anchorage School District supports the unique needs of highly gifted students by offering the Highly Gifted (HG) Program at Rogers Park Elementary School. The elementary HG Program is designed to meet the educational needs of those students identified as highly-gifted who require academic acceleration and enrichment beyond what can be provided in a standard school environment. It is designed to allow for student interactions with grade level peers who share similar educational needs.
The Highly Gifted Program at Rogers Park Elementary currently serves approximately 170 children in kindergarten through fifth grade. The HG program strives to meet the academic and social/emotional needs of identified highly gifted students in a self-contained classroom environment.
Rogers Park Highly Gifted Handbook
Please select the appropriate link to find out about testing procedures and qualification requirement guidelines for Anchorage School District students.
HG WolfPAC – Parent Advisory Committee
Vision: Working Together to facilitate engagement through partnership and clarity
Mission: Empowering educators and families to meet our students’ needs
· We are a solutions-focused committee of Rogers Park, striving to continual improvement of HG Program
· All HG families are welcome to join
· We work through subcommittees with support from the district and staff at Rogers Park
We meet in the STEAM Lab at 5pm
2nd Semester Dates:
-January 9
-February 6
-March 6
-April 3
-May 1