The OWL (The Outstanding Wise Learner)
The Abbreviation of OWL Outstanding Wise Learner (English), and in Russian СОВА <Серьёзный Образованный Вдумчивый Активный> (Serious Educated Thoughtful Active)
Criteria for the Russian Immersion Program Academic Award The Owl:
Use Russian Language in class on a regular basis;
Thrive to improve Russian oral and written language speech by using new words, expressions, and grammatical structures;
Participate in the Russian Immersion Events;
Assist classmates during Russian class activities;
Be an active participant in class instructional activities (questions, discussions, pair/group work, and ext.);
Show respect to self and others.
Eligibility: Students of the Russian Immersion Program <9 through 12 Grades>
Who can nominate a student to the Award:
a student (self)
a classmate or a group of classmates
a teacher
Nomination Deadline:
Grades 9 -12 by April 9, each school year
Award Ceremony will take place during 12 grade Russian Immersion Graduation Ceremony in May of each school year.
In 2018- May 11, 2018 from 5:30-8 PM in West High School Auditorium.
The Award OWL will be accompanied with an Award Letter signed by all members of the Award Committee.
A student, who receives this award at least two times during his/her study at the Russian Immersion Program at West, will be awarded the Large Owl Academic Award at the Russian Immersion Graduation Ceremony in 12th grade.
There is no limitation on how many awards will be given per grade. It will depend on nominations and a decision of the Award Committee.