- West High School
- Handbook
Dress Code
To promote a professional, respectful and focused learning environment, West High enforces the following dress code practices:
- Clothing should cover abdomens, mid-riffs, buttocks and all undergarments to include crop tops, sagging pants, tank tops/spaghetti straps, off the shoulder, and open sided shirts.
- Shirts, pants, dresses, pants, shorts, skirts etc. should be opaque and not sheer or see through.
- Clothing should be free of messages, images, and/or logos portraying drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sexual innuendos, gang related images, profanity, or obscenities.
- Earbuds and/or headphones should be limited to 1 ear during passing time and lunch or at teacher discretion.
- Hats are allowed throughout the common areas of West High. Students will be allowed to wear hats within the classroom with teacher approval. This policy does not include ski masks, hoods, or bandanas, or any such item that could be considered as such.
Students not adhering to this dress code will be asked to make corrections to their attire. Failure to cooperate with staff on this matter may result in disciplinary action.
Individuals may request exceptions to the dress code for religious reasons.
Dance Attire
Homecoming: Semi Formal attire is appropriate for the homecoming dance. This includes dress pants (not blue jeans), button up shirts, and nice dresses. All clothing should completely cover undergarments when you stand up and sit down. It should also be comfortable enough in fit, length, and neckline to prevent indecent exposure and wardrobe malfunctions. Remember, use good judgment when you choose your outfit. It is still school.
Prom: Is a more formal event than homecoming. This includes suits, tuxedos, dress pants, blazers or dinner jackets with dress pants, button up shirts, and ties. Dresses are typically floor length (but not required) and formal jumpsuits/pantsuits are also an option. All clothing should completely cover undergarments when you stand up and sit down. It should also be comfortable enough in fit, length, and neckline to prevent indecent exposure and wardrobe malfunctions. Remember, use good judgment when you choose your outfit. It is still school.