- Polaris K-12
- Parking Lot Safety
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Welcome to the Polaris Parking Lot!
Please review the following parking lot safety rules and etiquette.Together, we can keep our students safe!
Parking Lot Safety
Polaris is a pick-up/drop-off-only school. No district bus transportation is available at any time. During peak drop-off and pick-up times, the parking lot is a busy place with many students and families with small children. Extreme care, caution, and courtesy are expected to be exercised by everyone at all times. Safety is always the highest priority. Please take time to review our parking safety rules and etiquette outlined below.
Rules of the Road:
The speed limit while on Ashwood and within the parking lot is 5 m.p.h.
The use of cell phones or other distractable devices while driving is prohibited.
The crosswalks are designated for pedestrians; They have the right away!
When dropping off,
Please pull all the way around the side of the building before allowing your child to exit the car.
Do not unload along Ashwood at any time.
When you are ready to pull back into traffic, please use your turn signal to alert drivers using the internal ‘passing’ lane.
When picking up,
All K-3 families are encouraged to park in the parking lot and enter the building to pick up your child from their classroom at dismissal time. This is mandatory for Kindergarten students.
Queuing in the pick-up line can not begin except within 10 minutes of dismissal and can never continue past the front doors. Please always pull as far forward as possible around the side of the building.
Cars stopped beyond the front doors (between the front doors and the marquee/sign) block traffic all the way down Ashwood and onto 64th. You will be asked to move.
Additionally, the lanes used for drop-off/pick-up are designated fire lanes. By law, this means no stopping except for active loading/unloading. Parking or leaving a vehicle unattended anywhere other than a marked parking space may result in a fine.
Make a plan with your child as to where they can expect to meet you. Our recommendation, regardless of your child’s grade level- PARK and walk in. Meet your child in the lobby, at the flag pole, or on the playground. Keep them safe and away from the parking lot unless they are with you.
When exiting our parking lot, please make a right turn towards Brayton Drive. Our neighboring school Rikle Schule has the same arrival and dismissal times as Polaris– congestion in our parking lot and the surrounding area is a given, but we can do our best to help smooth the flow of traffic where possible.
Respect the handicap spaces. If you do not have a handicap sticker or plate, you can not park there– even to wait for your child.
All student vehicles must be registered with safety/security staff.
Be patient and use common courtesy, and give yourself extra time in the morning and afternoon…
A Final Parking Lot Note:
We all fully aware that our parking lot can leave a lot to be desired… we are doing what we can to work with the state, municipality, and district to find solutions, but the reality is these capital-improvement projects/changes will not be made this school year. Our parking lot serves 515 students every day, twice a day and is rightfully congested, busy, and even frustrating… we all have places to go, please help ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, your child included. Go slow, proceed cautiously, and provide your undivided attention while driving.