Polaris K-12 School Attendance

  • We understand that students will be absent, and at times it is outside of your (and their) control. It’s important for you to know that our teachers design lessons for in-person learning. Many of the lessons and activities that we do inside the classroom are not transferable to home. Make-up work is determined by the classroom teacher and may not reflect the exact conversations and activities missed. Teachers are not able to reteach missed lessons and it may not be possible to provide makeup work in advance. Students have one day for each day absent to complete and submit any make-up work.


    Secondary students attend classes in a block format, and one missed class period is the equivalent of two missed days of a traditional schedule. Grades and/or credit given may be impacted for excessive absences.


    While we know that there are extenuating circumstances, please try to make appointments and plan vacations outside of the school day in order to maximize learning time in classes.


    We want to work together to support your student. We know that absenteeism causes extra stress and it can be difficult for students to catch-up on work. Secondary students are expected to communicate directly with their teachers and advisor to develop a plan for completion of any assignments but in-class experiences cannot be recreated.


    By working together as a team of educators, students, and families we can ensure that students are provided the structures and resources needed so that absences have the least impact possible on their grades and credits.




  • Polaris K-12 Attendance Line

    (907) 742-8700

  • Parents/guardians can excuse an absence through the ASD App or Parent Connect up to three days prior and three days after the absence for the following reasons: illness, medical, or religious.


    Look for the Attendance Manager icon when you log into the ASD app.  See video below for Parent Connect instructions.