District Guidelines | Rights and Responsibilities


  • Standards

  • Grading System

  • Internet Information

  • Make-up Procedures for Class Work, Assignments and Tests

  • Students with Excused Absences

  • Students on Short-Term Suspension

  • Students on Long-Term Suspension

  • Students with Unexcused Absences

  • Progress Reports


  • Non-resident Tuition

  • Attendance Requirements

  • Daily Absence Notification

  • Tardiness

  • Chronic Absence

  • Truancy

  • Leaving School During the School Day

  • Responsibility to Homeless Children

  • Transfer or Withdrawal

  • Attendance Zone Exemption Process

Useful Information

  • Accident – Illness - Insurance

  • Current Addresses and Phone Numbers

  • Custody Disputes

  • Directory Information

  • Fines and Fees

  • Free/Reduced-Price Meals

  • Participation in Physical Activities

  • Immunizations

  • Tuberculin skin testing

  • Lost and Found

  • Lunch Charges

  • Mandatory Reports to OCS

  • Medication

  • Nurse

  • Physical Examinations

  • Registration

  • Responsibility for Personal Property

  • Student Injuries and Insurance

  • Student Records

  • Student Records Transfer

  • Textbooks and Supplies

  • Use of the Internet in School

  • Visitors

  • Winter Weather/Outdoor Recess

Alternative School Programs

  • The district has a number of special purpose programs for students with special interests and needs. Students in these pro- grams meet district requirements in a variety of ways, including curricular innovation and basic skill development.


    A zone exemption and participation in a lottery are essential parts of enrollment in these alternative programs. Lotteries are held in the spring and fall every year. Transportation of students in lottery-based programs is the responsibility of parents whose students live outside the neighborhood boundaries of the schools that house the alternative program.


    For more information, search "Alternative" on our school list page.

Student Safety

  • It is a goal of the Anchorage School District to create and maintain a safe and secure environment in our schools. To that end, each school has a set of procedures and practices in place, designed to provide direction for staff and students in the event of an emergency at school. We consider the individual student to be the best source of information relating to dangerous or illegal activities involving other students or non-students at school. We strongly encourage our students to assist us in our efforts to keep our schools safe by reporting dangerous/illegal behavior or items to a school staff member or parent.


    Drills will be practiced on a regular basis throughout the school year at every elementary school.

  • Earthquake Drill

  • Lock Down Drill

  • Stay Put Drill

  • Power Outage

  • Student Accidents

Bus Safety


  • All times

  • Waiting for the School Bus

  • Boarding the Bus

  • Conduct on the School Bus

  • Getting off the School Bus

  • Sanctions for Bus Rule Violations

  • Remember

Student Behavior

  • In the event that some offenses are not specifically addressed in this document, the behavior issues discussed here should serve as guidelines to determine the appropriate sanctions.



    The following rules apply on campus, at school activities on and off campus, on school busses and at school bus stops. School jurisdiction also applies to acts that start on school campus and are completed off school campus. In addition, acts that occur completely off campus, but have direct and immediate effect either on school decorum or the welfare, safety or morals of students, fall under the jurisdiction of the school.


    No system of rules can provide for every situation and the District may prohibit and discipline other offenses not specifically addressed, which interfere with the education or safety of students.

  • Accessory to An Act

  • Assault

  • Arson

  • Attempt

  • Before and After School Restriction

  • Criminal Acts

  • Dangerous Materials/Objects

  • Disruptive Conduct

  • Drugs and Alcohol

  • Drug/Alcohol Offenses Off Campus

  • Excessive Display of Affection

  • Failure to Identify Self

  • Failure to Follow Rules

  • False Alarm/Bomb Threats

  • False Information

  • Fighting

  • Fireworks/Explosives

  • Harassment

  • Obscenity/Profanity

  • Personal Property

  • Prohibited Organizations and Groups

  • Reckless or Unsafe Behavior

  • Theft

  • Tobacco

  • Trespass

  • Vandalism

  • Weapons and Firearms (NO GUNS)

  • Willful Disobedience

Harassment Policy

  • Harassment of employees and students will not be tolerated in the Anchorage School District. The Anchorage School District includes school district facilities and school district premises. It includes non-school property if the student or employee is at any school sponsored, school approved, or school related activity or function, such as field trips or social/athletic events where students are under the control of the school district or where the employee is engaged in school business.


    Harassment includes, but is not limited to: race, religion, national origin, gender, disability or appearance, age, marital status, political or religious beliefs, social or cultural background or sexual orientation. Harassment by board members, adminis- trators, employees, parents, students, vendors, and others doing business with the school district is prohibited. Employees and students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, sus- pension, or other appropriate action. Other individuals whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed by the super- intendent or board.


    Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to unwel- come sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature when:

    • submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of an individual’s employment or a student’s education or other school status, either explicitly or implicitly.

    • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or educational deci- sions affecting such individual; or

    • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interference with an individual’s work performance, edu- cational attainment, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or school environment.


    Other types of harassment may include, but not be limited to verbal or physical contact or communication, which is offensive and creates a hostile, abusive or unsafe work or school environment.


    Disciplinary action can be taken against those individuals who are found to have made a false or frivolous accusation.


    Employees who believe they have experienced an act of harassment should report the matter immediately to their supervisors. Supervisors shall investigate the issue and advise the EOC office. In addition, employees may also report the incident directly to the EOC office, or to an outside agency, i.e., the Municipality of Anchorage Equal Rights Commission, the Ombudsman, the State of Alaska Human Rights Commission, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Office for Civil Rights.


    Students who believe they have experienced an act of harassment should report the matter immediately to their school principal or designee. The school principal or designee shall investigate the issue and advise the EOC Office. In addition, the students may also report the incident directly to the EOC Office, or to an outside agency, i.e., the Municipality of Anchorage Equal Rights Commission, an Ombudsman, the State of Alaska Human Rights Commission, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Office for Civil Rights.


    Office of Equity and Compliance

Parent Involvement

  • Parents play a critical role in the education of their children. Parental involvement in its various forms positively impacts student achievement. The Anchorage School District is committed to continuing strong partnerships with parents in the education of their children. The ESEA acknowledges the importance of parental involvement as well and requires that schools provide parents with a copy of the district’s school board policy on parental involvement. Our policy is below. If you have any questions on or suggestions for how parents can be involved, please don’t hesitate to contact the principal.


    Parent Involvement


    Given the key role of parents in promoting effective schooling, the Anchorage School District administration will assist schools in developing comprehensive, continuing programs of parent involvement at all grade levels. The district will provide welcom- ing opportunities for parent participation in resolving concerns. The major goal is to promote greater student success in all cur- ricular areas by making schools and parents more productive partners in their children’s education. To support the mission of Anchorage schools, to educate all students for success in life, schools and parents must work as knowledgeable, respectful partners.



    The term “parental involvement” means the participation of parents in regular, two-way meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including providing opportunities and support for the following:

    1. That parents play an important role in supporting their child’s learning and the overall educational program and environment of the school;

    2. That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school and at home; and

    3. That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child. The district shall provide full opportunities for the participation of all parents, including those with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.

  • Planning

  • School and District Responsibilities

  • District Support

Title IX

  • No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational programs or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

    — From the preamble to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972


    The Board is committed to an environment of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, eco- nomic status, union affiliation, disability, and other human differences. No person shall be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, any academic or extracurricular program or educational opportunity service offered by the District. The District will comply with the applicable statutes, regulations, and executive orders adopted by Federal, State, and Municipal agencies.


    Title IX applies to all programs in a school (including academics, extracurricular, and athletics) that receives federal financial assistance. It protects all participants in the academic program from gender discrimination including parents, students and employees.


    If a school becomes aware of equal opportunity violations or sexual harassment, the school will take appropriate actions to investi- gate the situation. For more information on the student grievance process speak with your principal and/or follow the Student Grievance Process in this handbook. For more information on Title IX or to report any civil rights violation or Title IX violation, contact the EOC Director, who serves as the Title IX Coordinator, at the ASD Education Center, 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99504-3135 (907) 742-4132.


    Concerns may also be reported to any of the following external agencies: Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, Anchorage Equal Rights Commission, Department of Education and/or the Office of Civil Rights

Student Grievance Process

  • The Student Grievance Process has been developed by the Anchorage School District to resolve matters in which a student feels that s/he has had their civil rights violated, including rights protected under Title IX. This process also pertains to instances in which a student feels they have been discriminated against by school staff due to issues such as their race, disability, national origin or gender. This process can also be used to address credit, scheduling, or staff and student relationships, including classroom discipline and attendance. If you wish to use the grievance pro- cedure, see the school principal or designee, who will guide you through the process.

    Definition of Terms:

    Grievance: Alleged violation of School Board policies, central administration rules and regulations, or school administrative policies as well as past practices and informal procedures.

    Grievant: One who files a grievance against another person.

    Respondent: One against whom a grievance is filed.

    Contact Person: One with whom the grievance can discuss the issue before filing a grievance. Be sure to find the contact person for your type of grievance.

    Process Procedures

    1. Discuss the issue with the principal. It may be easily resolved at this level.

    2. If circumstances prevent using #1 or if your complaint is not resolved within 5 school days, you may file a grievance. The grievance must be in writing and on the Student Grievance Form. Student Grievance Form can be obtained from the school office or downloaded from the ASD website.

    3. Complete the student grievance form and forward it to the principal/designee. Be sure to state the exact problem and what you want to happen.

    4. Grievances must be initiated within five (5) school days of the alleged act and will be concluded within 20 school days except for gender equity grievances.

    5. Gender equity (Title IX) grievances can be filed within 30 days of the alleged act and will be concluded within 5 school days of the complaint date. Follow the timelines in the student handbook for all other grievances

    6. Based on the nature of the grievance, the involved staff mem- ber and student must confer for the purpose of attempting to solve the problem. All parties must agree to the meeting. The principal/designee shall schedule a conference with the staff member, the student and the student’s parent/guardian. This conference will be facilitated by the principal/designee.

    7. If resolution is not acceptable to the grievant, the grievant may appeal in writing to the school’s Grievance Committee within three (3) days. Check with your school administration to find out about your school’s Grievance Committee.

    8. The decision of the Grievance Committee will be rendered in writing to both parties and the administrator within five

      (5) school days of the date of the committee’s final decision.

    9. Either party may appeal the Grievance Committee’s decision to the appropriate Executive Director.

    10. For Title IX complaints that are not resolved at the school level, you may contact the EOC Director, who serves as the Title IX Coordinator, at the ASD Education Center, 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99504-3135, (907) 742-4132.