• STANDARD 8: Learners benefit from a formal structure of within-school and extracurricular opportunities to extend STEM learning.

    Evidence of formal structures in and out of the classroom that will extend STEM learning:





    It’s a beautiful morning to be outside moving your body! We have an Alaska themed workout with eagle, bear and salmon exercises at Campbell STEM Elementary for our last session of the school year. School fun! Warming up before field day.


    Students use the Engineering Design Process (EDP) to structure learning in all subjects in the classroom. This will allow students to recognize this structure inside and outside the classroom to promote problem-solving skills that will extend STEM learning in the present and future. 


    Students use the scientific method to make predictions, ask questions and research real world problems and solutions.


    Innovations club is an extracurricular activity that utilizes STEM structures to extend education and STEM learning inside and outside of school.


    WIN enrichment groups are promoting structured STEM opportunities for students to challenge themselves and others in the classroom. 


    Indigenous peoples' day provided a structured environment where students could learn and experience elements of the surrounding culture through food, games and other enriching activities. 


    The annual science fair is an amazing representation of extracurricular STEM that is woven into our classrooms and community. Students have the opportunity to present a science project that was created using structures like the EDP and the scientific method. 


    Makerspace is an incredible opportunity for students to experience STEM in a structured environment where they are able to float from table to table and use their science minds to create towers, circuits, and experiment with rolling balls through stacked cubes. Students may not even realize they are utilizing the scientific method when they are just having fun!


    Examples of In School STEM Activities


    Maker Space

    Makerspace is an incredible opportunity for students to experience STEM in a structured environment where they are able to float from table to table and use their science minds to create towers, circuits, and experiment with rolling balls through stacked cubes. Students may not even realize they are utilizing the scientific method when they are just having fun!

    Makerspace has a long tradition at Campbell STEM having provided these opportunities to countless students for over 5 years.

    Maker space is offered to all grades, even our youngest students explore their environment and learn through doing activities in makerspace.

    The activities are adapted for the primary versus intermediate grades to instill age appropriate exploration opportunities.


    Engineering Design Process

    Staff have been trained in the Engineer Design Process. This process is being applied in classrooms across multiple disciplines during the integrated STEM curriculum, including mathematics, science, social studies and English, as well as within our specials such as PE, Health, Art, Music and Library.

    The engineer design process is an integral part of the learning of students at Campbell STEM throughout their school day.


    Incentive STEM Fair

    At the end of fall 2023, Campbell had their inaugural incentive STEM fair for students achieving academic, behavioral, and attendance benchmarks. These students were able to participate in wonderful activities run by local community organizations. Some of the activities include the fire department, Alaska’s Weather lab, the library, renewable resources, Alaska Waste and Water Utility, and many more.


    Examples of In/Out of School STEM Activities

    Science Fair

    The annual science fair is an opportunity available to all students at Campbell STEM. Some students choose to complete their projects at home, while other complete them in school with their class. The Science Fair includes competition at the individual level as well as whole class projects. Many of our primary classrooms complete class-level experiments, walking students through the scientific method together. Each student or class presents their project to a panel of judges in March in which prizes are awarded based on a rubric. For those who choose, they may bring their projects to the district-wide event that is traditionally held at the end of March or early April.


    Indigenous day

    Our school’s celebration of Indigenous day includes in-class activities as well as a community evening event with a potlatch. The daytime activities engage students in storytelling and the history of the indigenous experience. These are supported by the Title VII program staff. Indigenous peoples' day provided a structured environment where students could learn and experience elements of the surrounding culture through food, games and other enriching activities.

    Examples of Out of School STEM Activities


    Innovators Club

    Innovators Club is an after-school program designed to practice the Engineer Design Process with fun and engaging STEM challenges. The club is broken up into K-3 and 4–6 grades to provide differentiated opportunities based on student age. This club has included projects such as parachute design and testing, launch tower design, and other fun STEM activities.

    Lego League

    Campbell STEM is excited to be reintroducing the Lego League this year after a few years off due to COVID closure and restructuring the STEM program. Once again, Campbell STEM students in grades 3-6 will participate in the Lego League design and implementation process. Welcome back Lego League!

    These are some of the many STEM activities offered at Campbell STEM Elementary!

    Evidence Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FSnlKlhSwR4XCITrRprUCpC9kAT7YBibL7ckIBIt2Js/edit?usp=sharing