About Northern Lights

  • Our school Northern Lights ABC School is an alternative educational program established in 1978.  Its founders were dedicated to a philosophy embracing a back-to-basics approach to education.  Character education, a strong emphasis on citizenship, values, discipline and patriotism make this program unique.


    Parents who choose our school for their children should believe in the tenets upon which our school was founded.  Strong, committed parental support is essential for any program to successfully educate children for the future.


    Parents, children and staff working together for a common goal characterizes Northern Lights ABC School and contributes to its effectiveness in educating our most precious children.  Our commitment to maintain the ABC philosophy and objectives is vital and ongoing.  Join us in partnership to continue to maintain, nurture and grow to meet the needs of students. 



    We Offer Tours!

    Interested in the lottery for NLABC? We request that you attend a tour in order to determine if our program is a good fit for your child and family.

    Tours are led by ABC Advisory Board members and provide an opportunity to ask questions, view grade level work samples, and review the NLABC Philosophy Statement and Responsibility Agreement. Tours are geared towards parents, so please take advantage of childcare if you have it available.

    Please call our office at 742-7500 to RSVP for a tour. We are looking forward to meeting you and answering any questions you might have!

    For the upcoming 2024-2025 School Year, we have a tour of our school on Wednesdays at 8:30 am. The dates are: 

    January 10

    Every Wednesday in February

    March 20

    April 17

    May 8

    For more information about our school, please refer to our Parent Handbook and Agreements


    Character Building Blocks

    Northern Lights ABC School logo September- Friendship & Work

    October- Respect & Responsibility

    November- Perserverance & Patriotism

    ‌December- Generosity & Compassion

    January- Tolerance & Courage

    February- Honesty & Loyalty

    March- Humility & Self Control

    April- Self Discipline & Independence

    May- Helpfulness & Sportsmanship


    When the founders of Northern Lights ABC were envisioning our school, there was a consensus that parents wanted not only a strong academic program, but one that showcased our proud heritage of American citizenship.

    Since the beginning of our program, the RWB assemblies have molded and shaped our school into our founding philosophy of building pride in our students and training them to be responsible and dedicated patriots who embody good citizenship. Character education, a strong emphasis on citizenship, values, discipline and patriotism make our school program unique.

    Our school focuses on the character building blocks of friendship, work, respect, responsibility, perseverance, patriotism, generosity, compassion, tolerance, courage, honesty, loyalty, humility, self-confidence, self-discipline, independence, helpfulness, and sportsmanship.

    We wear red, white, and blue on special days that not only honor our school's heritage and history, but to remember those who have sacrificed for our freedoms. We wear red, white, and blue to demonstrate our love of school, love of country, and national pride.

    Continuing to celebrate our school RWB days has several benefits. It connects us to our past,  it teaches our students about citizenship, patriotism, and offers fascinating stories about our country's history for all students to learn and discover.  It also enables our students to practice public performance and public speaking skills. Musically, students benefit from learning new songs, working together to create a successful end product, and it requires students to follow a time line, to use self-discipline, and to accept feedback. All of these skills, which are taught by our fine teachers, enrich the lives of all our students. 


    Norther Lights Curriculum logo Our Logo Symbolizes What Northern Lights ABC Represents:

    Eagle = Patriotism Towards Our Country

    Books = Anchorage Basic Curriculum and the year NLABC was founded

    Lamp = Knowledge and learning

    Pen and quill = Literacy, Penmanship and Writing

    The Big Dipper = Alaska Pride and 8 Stars of Gold

    Encouragement = Where Children Can Excel 
    Please join us in celebrating our next RED, WHITE AND BLUE ASSEMBLY!