Student Code of Conduct

  • Internet access is required for all online students. Internet access must be used in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Access to electronic information may result in the availability of inappropriate material. Although it is impossible to control such misuses, with responsible use, the benefits of the Internet as an educational tool outweigh the negatives. Partnering with parents to teach responsible Internet use is a valuable learning opportunity for our students.


    Please review the following netiquette rules and ASD Virtual expectations carefully:Posting Politely


    • Students are responsible for good behavior in all online courses, just as they are in a traditional school building. It is expected the students will use the computer in a way that shows consideration and respect. It is against school policy to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language.


    • Academic integrity and authenticity of student work is taken very seriously. Do not cut, copy, or plagiarize Internet content or the work of your online classmates. ASD Virtual instructors utilize technologies to check for authenticity. Copying, knowingly allowing others to copy from you, and/or misusing Internet content could result in removal from ASD iSchool courses.   Security is a high priority. If you identify a security problem, please notify ASD iSchool staff.


    • Collaboration between students is expected in some online classes, however, "working collaboratively" does NOT mean handing your work to another student. Sharing your work with other students is considered a violation of our Code of Conduct and will put you in jeopardy of loss of credit.


    • Email is not private. Use email appropriately in course communication with students and staff. Never say anything via email that you wouldn't mind seeing on the school bulletin board or in the local newspaper.


    • Beware of emails from anyone, particularly adults you don’t know, asking for personal information, attempting to arrange meetings, or engaging in personal contact. Alert your parent or teacher of any message you receive that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.


    • Email with your online classmates should be course-related. Do not send unsolicited email to your online classmates.


    • Email addresses that use profanity or may be construed as offensive, shall not be permitted for course login or ASD Virtual correspondence. ASD Virtual Administration reserves the right to determine if student email addresses are inappropriate. Students will be asked to use an alternative email address or be refused course access if their email address is deemed inappropriate.


    • Protect your password. Keep it secret from anyone except your parents.


    • Students and parents are responsible for Internet access and the associated costs.