2024-2025 Romig Middle School Sports

  • REQUIRED participation forms and fees:

    • Parents must sign a participation form for each sport and/or activity.
    • Students must have a current physical in order to participate in any sporting activities.
    • A $110 activity fee per interscholastic sport (there is an individual student cap of $220 [two activities] per school year).  Families can pay online via Parent Connect.


    To sign up:

    • Submit paperwork before or after school to the Activities Office (inside the main office) or via email to pritchard_shani@asdk12.org
    • Must submit both forms at once, or paperwork will not be complete to participate
    • No late paperwork will be accepted
    All Sports Participants will need the following:  


    REQUIRED forms and fees MUST BE turned in together no later than the due date.



    Forms & Fees DUE



    Start Date


    End Date


    varies depending upon registration; must be paid before students can participate



    Cross-Country Running

    Monday, August 19th

    Monday, August 19th

    Monday,. October 7th

    Boys’ Basketball

    Monday, August 19th

    Monday, August 19th

    Saturday, September 28th


    Tuesday, October 15th

    Tuesday, October 15th

    Saturday, December 14th


    Thursday, December 19th

    Monday, January 6th

    Saturday, February 22nd

    Girls’ Basketball

    Thursday, December 19th

    Tuesday, January 7th

    Saturday, February 22nd

    Cross-Country Skiing

    Thursday, December 19th

    Thursday, January 9th

    Thursday, February 27th

    Track and Field

    Thursday, March 6th

    Monday, March 17th

    Monday, May 8th

    Tennis* (there is no fee for tennis, but all other paperwork still required)





    OUTSIDE ASD SPONSORED ACTIVITIES – These sports are coordinated by an outside agency.



    Forms & Fees DUE



    Start Date


    End Date


    Sign up through Alaska Legion Baseball


    Week of August 21st

    Week of October 1st (weather depending)


    Sign up through Alaska Legion Baseball


    TBA Spring

    TBA Spring

    *Dates are tentative.


    OTHER POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES -- Some offered during the day, some after school ending at 5:15 pm.  Activities may vary depending upon staffing and student interest.

    • Spelling Bee
    • Talent Show
    • Battle of the Books
    • NYO
    • Weight Training
    • Homework Help
    • Art Club
    • Math Counts
    • Dungeons & Dragons
    • Girls Who Code
    • Robotics

    (See "Clubs" section of our website for details on clubs.)