- Rilke Schule German Immersion School
- Families / Familien
Families / Familien
Families / Familien
Keep up-to-date of our upcoming events and activities by visiting our Rilke Calendar.
School Schedule / Schule Zeitplan
We follow the ASD school calendar regarding holidays and in-service days. Our school hours are:
8:15 am - 3:00 pm, Monday - Thursday
8:15 - 1:45 pm, Friday
- Doors open daily at 7:45 am with teacher pick-up in the gym at 8:05.
Teachers hold Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) on Fridays from 2:00 - 3:00 pm
*Beginning the 24/25 school year, ASD start times are changing for K-12. Rilke Schule's schedule will remain the same as it has always been, as listed above.
Clubs and Activities / Clubs und Aktivitäten
Our partner non-profit, Rilke Schule Inc., operates our before and after school program - Rilke Clubs. Their list of clubs and details are available at Rilke Schule Inc.
Q-Parent Connection
Please take the time to log into Q-Parent Connection to review and monitor your child’s grades and academic progress. This online gradebook is a great tool to keep track of your child’s school work throughout the school year.
Parking Lot / Parkplatz
Please remember that there are small children you may not be able to see in our parking lot at all different times of the day. It is imperative you drive slowly in the parking lot and through our pickup lane. We also ask that you respect the directions the crossing attendants are giving you, not only is it safer, but greatly speeds up the process for all. Municipality of Anchorage Code states no faster than 15 MPH in ANY parking lot and tickets in School Zones are double fines.
Student Pickup
Dismissal is 3:00 – 3:15 pm. We highly recommend parents stagger their arrival to reduce lines and the time you have to wait in line. This could be arriving at 3:05, 3:10, or even 3:15.
When lining up your vehicle for pickup along the sidewalk, please pull ALL THE WAY forward to the corner of the sidewalk on the far end of the building. If you are waiting in that line before 3:00 pm, please do not leave your vehicles running. The fumes are hazardous to the students and staff.
To speed up the pickup process, please place a sign in the passenger window of your vehicle with the grades and names of children you are picking up. That way no matter who is on the radio, we can ensure your student is called down quickly.
*Reminder about Car Seat Safety
Just a friendly reminder about Alaska’s car seat requirements. We want all of our students arriving safely to school and at home each day!! AS 28.05.095: A child “over four years of age but less than eight years of age who is less than 57 inches in height and weighs 20 or more pounds but less than 65 pounds shall be properly secured in a booster seat that is secured by a seat belt system or by another child passenger restraint system that meets or exceeds the standards of the United States Department of Transportation and is used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.”
Volunteer Hours / Freiwilliger Stunden
We welcome parents into the building to volunteer in the classroom, help teachers with tasks, or any other activity that fills a need. Anything you do to support the school counts toward your volunteer requirement of 4 hours per month. See our Volunteering page to find out how to log your hours and more. Don’t let those earned hours go uncounted or forgotten!