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How does a student access their classes?

How does my student access their courses?

Students access their learning platforms via Clever

How do I log into Clever?

Clever is the Anchorage School District’s login portal for K-12 students. It has links to all of the district support applications (i.e. Calvert, Exact Path, Suite360, BrainPop, etc…) and often also single sign on (SSO) authentication.


1. Navigate to

2. Click the “Login with Active Directory Link”

Image displaying Clever login page, with "Log in with Active Directory" circled for emphasis

3. Students will be redirected to the ASD login page.

Anchorage School District log in screen

4. Login using district username and password.

  • Student user names are formatted as such: “lastname.firstname”
  • Returning students will use their existing passwords, new students will be e-mailed a temporary ASD password


Video Instructions

Video guide for how to log into Clever