Student Assistance

Front office – The Principal and Assistant Principal are available through the front office to assist students with any issue.

Safety/Security are here to help you with any safety or locker issues. The attendance secretary can help with attendance issues, activities paperwork, and can help you locate other adults. The Admin Asst of Finance/Procurement is the person who deals with all money transactions. If you need to pay fees or clear a fine, see the AAFP. Students may also ask the custodial staff for help with lockers or messes.

Student Services is located about half way down the first floor hallway. Inside the Student Services Office you will find the counselors, the nurse and the registrar.

Counselors help with scheduling classes and resolving academic or social issues. Get a pass from your teacher or drop in at lunch to see your counselor.

The School Nurse is here to help with first aid, minor illnesses, health and vision screening and information. If you become ill or need first aid, ask your teacher for a pass to see the nurse.