- Dimond High School
- Attendance
Student Handbook
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Attendance impacts learning GREATLY. What occurs during class is much greater than the class textbook, syllabus or supplemental materials. Students who are absent for class discussion, group activities, lectures and presentations have missed them and cannot get them back. No amount of reading or lunchtime make-up sessions will fill the void of one missed class.
Excessive absences erode learning and ultimately may result in a loss of credit.
Reporting Absences Parents are responsible for calling 742-7009 by 10 a.m. to report their child’s absence for that day. Failure to call will result in an unexcused absence and a possible truancy. Parents can also report absences through ParentConnect.
Excused Absences By ASD Policy, the following conditions may result in an excused absence from school:
- Illness
- Death or serious illness in the immediate family
- Participation in a school sponsored activity
- Attendance at religious services
- Extenuating circumstances approved by the principal
All other absences are considered unexcused by the school, even if parents contact the school to excuse the absence.
Excessive Absences Students with 10 absences from class(es) will be placed on Attendance Probation and be assigned a contract.
Withdrawal of credit for non-attendance may occur for the entire semester on the fifteenth (15th) absence of that semester.
Pre-Approved Absence Request Students are responsible for completing a Pre-Approved Absence Request form and submitting it to the Attendance or Student Services office. Students are also responsible for working with teachers to gather work that will be missed during the absence.
It is not realistic for teachers to conduct private tutoring for students who elected to miss class. Teachers must reserve valuable time to support students who were in class or to assist students who were absent due to illness or other non-elective absences.
Blue Passes
All students who are present during the day and plan to miss a class or classes are required to report to the attendance counter and obtain a blue pass before leaving the building.
To obtain a blue pass, the parent or legal guardian must in person or by telephone contact the attendance office to excuse and acknowledge the absence(s) expected. On school assembly days, students must obtain a blue pass before 10 a.m.
Tardies Promptness to class is expected. Arriving to class after the bell is considered a tardy. Tardies are entered by teachers and tracked administratively. Cumulative to each quarter, the first three (3) tardies, excused or unexcused, have no consequences outside of the class. Beginning with the fourth (4th) tardy, consequences are as follows:
4 tardies = lunch detention, parent contact
8 tardies = work detail, parent contact
12 tardies = 2 lunch detentions, parent contact
15 tardies = ISS
Email Notification
Parents may elect to receive an email notification for their child’s daily attendance. Emails are sent at the end of the day with notification of any unexcused absences. Parents of students who have previously been excused from classes will not receive an email. Corrections for attendance received through this notification system may be addressed by calling 742-7009 or with submission of an attendance correction by the teacher.
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
In order to be eligible for early dismissal, a student must have 18 units of credit and must be enrolled in a minimum of four classes. A student who wishes to schedule early dismissal must have the application form signed, completed, and returned to the counselor prior to the first day of the semester.
Students who are in the building during a time when they are not assigned a class period are expected to wait in the Commons until the next passing period. Students are not to be in the halls during class time. Failure to remain in the Commons will result in the student being required to be off campus until they have a scheduled class on campus.