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Welcome to AKChoice Virtual Summer Term
ASD High School Summer Session for Original Credit, Grade Replacement and Credit Recovery: June 2-July 18
For enrollment contact your school counselor Or after 5/21/25, please email: akchoice@asdk12.org .
Enrollment will close 6/4/25 with no exceptions.
- Please note. AKCV is no longer offering OS credit recovery classes. All classes are OL and can be taken for credit recovery, grade improvement, or original credit.
- If registering after 5/21:email AKChoice@asdk12.org and include
- name and date of birth of student
- valid student email. asd.net is not valid.
- the name of the class(es) requested - including which semester. Ex. US History S2 or Algebra S1
To check your summer schedule, please visit the Summer Portal of Student Connect or Parent Connect.
Classes will not appear in Canvas until the start date of June 2nd.
High School students may choose to take up to TWO courses for grade improvement or original attempt. In addition to one or two academic classes, students may also take Work Experience.
Rising 9th graders see your options in menu to left.
Original Credit, Grade Replacement and Credit Recovery: June 2 - July 18
During this time, students are expected to complete an entire semester's worth of work for each course, and all courses contain pacing guides that students are expected to follow to keep on track to complete the course by the end of the summer term.
Class access will be in Canvas using ASD student log in, lastname.firstname and student ID# (unless changed). Students are expected to log in and begin working even if no email is received. All classes will have due dates and late work may be docked penalties.
Please email the teacher if you are planning to be inactive in an online class for more than just a few days.
- Most high school core classes are NCAA approved.
- Classes and enrichment tutorials are free of charge.
- Registrations for current high school students will be done through the neighborhood school counselor.
- Once a class becomes full, registrations for that class will no longer be accepted.
- Classes are subject to consolidation or cancelation due to low enrollment.