- Northern Lights ABC
- High School Tour/Registration Information
Middle School
8th grade parents: The information below will be updated and emailed as other tour information becomes available.
"Freshman Orientations" Schedules and Program information below.
Bartlett High School-
Dimond High School-
Our Future Freshman Fair will be Monday, February 28th at 6pm at DHS. More info will be posted on our website as it becomes available.
Below is information from the Dimond HS website. It has the dates and information about choosing courses for 2022-2023 school year.
East High School-
Service High School-
We will have a virtual tour this year. It is posted both on the counselor website at: https://servicecounseling.wixsite.com/freshman and the Incoming 9th page on Service High's website at: https://www.asdk12.org/domain/4592
We have two lottery programs that students can apply for, Biomedical Career Academy and The Seminar School. Students are able to apply for both programs. The ASD lottery opens on February 1st and closes on March 17th. Both BCA and Seminar require a paper application in addition to the lottery. The applications can be found at their websites:
BCA- http://shsbiomedicalcareeracademy.weebly.com/
Seminar School- https://serviceseminar.weebly.com/
South High School-
We are offering a brand new Civic Leadership Pathway- highlights community engagement, offers dual credit with UAA, and is taught in a seminar-style environment. Please see the link below.
West High School-
They will have a Freshman Fair on March 24th.
Steller Secondary-
Alternative Schools & Programs
Course Requests
This year students will enter course requests for 9th grade through their Student Connect accounts.
Incoming Freshman (current 8th graders): Online Course Request Window March 14th- March 25th